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A Garden Maintenance Guide For Your Average Joe

Gardening is a rewarding hobby that anyone can take up, but it does require some knowledge before you start. However, if you have never gardened before there are some things that need special attention such as what type of soil should I plant my seedlings in? What types of plants grow well together? And how often do I fertilize the ground so it stays healthy for me and also prevents weeds from growing up everywhere like wildfire! 

Here is the top maintenance guide for your garden. 

Choose the Best Spot

A personal garden is a place to relax and spend time with your family. A great spot for one might be somewhere where you’ll see it regularly (out of sight, out of mind definitely applies to gardening). Choosing the best spot in your yard is definitely one of the most important aspects that you have to keep in mind if you want to have a thriving home garden. Whether it is a vegetable or ornaments, you have to have the right spot.

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Look for the Sun

Misjudging sunlight is a common pitfall for novice gardeners. Pay attention to how the sun plays through your yard before choosing where you want to put it in your garden. Most edible plants, including many vegetable herbs and fruits, need at least 6 hours of direct sun every day in order to thrive.

Water is Essential

One of the best gardening tips you’ll ever get is to plan your new garden near a water source. Make sure you can run a hose to it, so if plants need watering, all that’s needed is for someone with their finger an inch down in the soil (that’s about one knuckle deep). If it feels dry after this test, then they know it’s time for some more plant drinks! Your plants will die especially during the summer season if you are not watering them on a regular basis.

Always Select the Best Soil

When starting a garden, one of the top pieces of advice is to invest in soil that will grow your plants well. For those planting outside and using lawns as their nursery, you should consider investing in nutrient-rich soils with good drainage properties for the best results. Poor soil quality can result in the poor growth of plants.

Containers for Plants

In case you don’t have enough space for these greeneries, think outside the box! With gardens in pots and containers becoming more popular, you can spend less time weeding your garden by growing vegetables or other plants. When cultivating container gardening–which has become increasingly popular because it’s easier to manage than traditional farming techniques–you’ll have better luck if you use large plant-sized potters filled with a specially formulated mix that will help protect against overwatering and dry soil conditions.

Maintaining your garden tips - Hammer Excavations

Select the Best Plant

The plants you decide to grow in your garden will depend on where and how they’re going to be grown. If the plant is to go into direct sunlight, make sure that it’s a sun-loving variety like tomatoes or lettuce; if there are extreme temperatures of hot weather, choose heat-tolerant varieties such as watermelon or cucumbers; for ground gobbling vines such as pumpkins and melons, give them plenty of elbow room (or a trellis) so they can stretch out their roots without running into objects. 

Make sure when picking these types of plants that they’ll do well in the climate/conditions at hand and have enough space available by checking with nurseries about what is best locally first before making any purchases online! A well rendered block also adds more appeal into your garden.

Add Some Mulch

Mulching is a great way to keep your plants healthy and happy. Mulch should be at least 2-3 inches deep around each plant, or the mulched material will stay too close to the surface for it to do its job properly of reducing evaporation that would otherwise cause you to need more water constantly. You can use traditional Scotts® bagged mulches without worry about their look because they work just as well if not better than some other materials like straw, leaves, and pine tree needles.

Protect Your Lawn

To protect your lawn from hot weather, it is important to know the temperature range. If temperatures are between 26°C and 30°C this will promote growth but anything above that can harm them. When temperatures rise, avoid cutting grass too short as they need protection in order to not dry out or get fried by sun rays. Leave at least five cm of standing height which protects against heat!

Start an Irrigation System

If you’re going to be gone for an extended period of time, consider installing a water control system. You can regulate the amount of moisture in your soil by letting more or less through depending on how it feels-you’ll have fewer weeds if they are watered correctly! Building retaining walls can even make the place look exciting.

Protect Them From Bugs

Insects can also be a major issue for plants. Insect damage is often more than just cosmetic, as insects open up potential entry points to viruses and bacteria which are then spread from plant to plant by different types of bugs such as aphids or thrips who carry them around on their bodies while they feed off the sap. It would be excellent if you are going to use the traditional method in keeping these visitors away at the bay.

Prune Damaged Limbs At The Right Time

To avoid damaging new growth, trim back broken limbs in late winter. Late-winter storms can cause even more damage to trees and shrubs that have already been wounded from last year’s pruning but it is better than risking infection of the plants with the disease over the cold months.


Gardening is not an easy task, but if you have the right knowledge and tools, it can be a smooth walk in the park. With the above-mentioned gardening maintenance tips, taking care of your plant is simple. If you are looking for a top landscaping expert that offers retaining walls construction and sleeper wall, Hammer Excavators is here at your service.  

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